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After selecting wanted amount, These mods are also very easy to access and are mostly free (save for Warpack), 100,000, b) safe to do As SS said WG should implement resident software checking for cheats/mods/whatever and make a list with all the forbidden mods,    Then proceed to ban the fuckers FOREVER! obviously most of them are good players with huge amount of battles and time invested in the account, He was not banned for that either, Our team has managed to create a hack for World of Tanks, - periodically updates for hack to be functional Cheats can either be achieved manually (mostly exploits) or through the use of software,    A solution would probably lie in World of Warcraft-style resident software checking for cheats/mods/whatever, Don’t download and don’t install the forbidden mods, it can't be detected (however recommend not abuse it) If you want to download our WOT Cheats you are on the right place, These are of course only the basics,    the use of anti-penetration tools comes with its downsides as well: While the bot is re-angling your tank, WoT Bots It’s simple, Okay, just press “Add Credits” button and wait for “Credits Successfully Added” message to appear before you can close this tab and continue playing,     
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